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Greetings Y’all,


After 6 months in Texas, I now understand how much easier “y’all” is rather than “all of you” ...


Being a new resident in Comfort and having come on my own, I must share that the Golden Age Center has been such a blessing of friendship, support, resources, and great company.

The warmth of Dinah, Leah, Doris and all the wonderful folks who gather at the Center have enriched my life and pushed away any loneliness that might have otherwise tried to creep in.


Whether it’s fresh eggs from Keith and Schatzie, a warm cup of coffee, crafts, or the joy of listening to the various Texas accents, I always feel welcome, right at home even, from the moment I come in. I always think the Golden Age Center smells like chocolate, but I may also have a good imagination… or an affinity for chocolate.


Another wonderful benefit has been visiting the Center on Thursdays with a friend I care for a few days a week. We play Bingo and enjoy the kindness and humor of Doris, Leland, Mary, Sam, Charlene, and of course Charlie.


Afterwards a game of cards, conversation, and a look through the food pantry and puzzles makes for a great start to our day. My friend just lights up in the company of such fine people who always take a moment to lend a hand or word of encouragement coupled with true sincerity. My friend and I make our time at the Center part of our “ladies time out” and I know she looks forward to it and her wonderful husband gets some free time for himself.


I encourage everyone to stop by the Golden Age Center and share the simple pleasure of good old-fashioned hospitality, companionship, and all manner of resources for seniors.


Before I moved here, many asked me what I was going to do in Texas as I didn't know a soul, I replied, “I will make new friends as I am certain there’s plenty of good folks to meet.”


Indeed there are many kind folks here at the Comfort Golden Age Center, the Hill Country, deep in the Heart of Texas…


Feeling Blessed,

Susan Bell